Our craft group is open to parents and anyone in the community who enjoys craft/handwork or who would like to learn.


We meet for craft at the Helena River Steiner School Midland campus (39 Spring Park Road Midland), and little ones are welcome to join, while you enjoy your friends and express your creativity. Each term we focus on a different handwork technique - such as sewing, knitting, crotchet, felting etc.

One aim of the Craft Group is to make small, simple, unique items to sell in the school shop for fundraising for the school. Our Craft Group also generously donates creations to Kindy and classes, which are displayed on story tables throughout the school or given as gifts to kids. However, if you wish to make items for yourself, your friends or children, you simply pay a few dollars for the materials. Otherwise, make three items for the school and keep the fourth.

No prior experience is necessary, it’s free and all materials are supplied by the school.  Working together is a lovely way to spend a morning whilst having a cuppa and a chat with fellow parents in a relaxing atmosphere.  We are excited for you to join us!

When: Thursday 9am -10am during the school term. Also some Monday morning sessions, so please ask.
Where: Djet Mia Kindy activity room (in the Midland campus Admin building)