Our school community first finds it identity in our location. We are in the City of Swan, 15 kilometres east of Perth city. Our Spring Park Road, Midland campus, housing our Early Childhood classes, is flanked on the south by the Helena River and on the north by the Swan River. Our Stirling Crescent, Hazelmere campus, home of our Classes 1 to 10, is nestled on the southern bank of the Helena River.  The river is integral to the life of our school. As we stand on Noongar Whadjak country, we regularly turn our thoughts and our gratitude to the Whadjak people of the past who cared for this beautiful land so well, and we pay our respects to those of the present who are still connected to the land and carry its wisdom.

In this place, originally called Mandoon, our school has grown.

We embrace heart-felt and meaningful connection among our students, staff and families, and with our local community and environment.

Some of the ways we can connect with each other at school are through the Parents and Friends committee, craft group, study group and more.